Encouragement | Hope | JoyThanksgiving Baskets
Baskets of Hope
Jordan emanated joy and love wherever he went. Last Thanksgiving we had the opportunity to share Jojo’s joy and love at our local children’s hospital, CHOC. The Cline Family knows what it’s like to watch your child fight for his or her life in the ICU. Even more difficult is to be a family in CHOC during the holidays, you feel intensely isolated from the rest of the world. For the staff, it can be emotionally difficult to bear witness to what these families go through. The staff commented how touched they were to be a part of the gifting of the baskets and were encouraged by the cards they received from the families in the ICU (custom cards were provided in the gift baskets for families to sign and give to a chosen care provider).

Jojo’s community gathered together in November 2019 to create 40 Thanksgiving baskets (both in person and virtually), for the families in the PICU at CHOC and the PICU at CHOC at Mission. These baskets were a labor of love, with 22 intentional items included; to encourage, bring hope, and a moment of joy to these families on Thanksgiving. On November 27, they were delivered to the CHOC pediatric intensive care unit and were received with grateful tears. Both the families and staff were deeply impacted by the gifts and the experience. We look forward to you coming alongside us to make 50 Thanksgiving Baskets this year.