Wherever you are, you can be a part of our spring sunshine box project for a precious child battling a life-threatening metabolic condition. Children with mitochondrial disease live in a medical world that is largely unknown, underserved, under researched, and under supported. We have connected with the metabolic department at our local children’s hospital, CHOC. We have committed to delivering 100 boxes of sunshine to CHOC this summer. Forty-three of the boxes will be hand delivered to the mitochondrial families that attend the outpatient clinic. The remaining 57 will be allotted for the metabolic physicians to hand deliver to children with metabolic diseases who are acutely hospitalized at CHOC. For a child with chronic healthcare challenges and a poor prognosis, this box of sunshine could mean the world! We are excited to say that with your generosity and time, we are only 25 boxes away from fulfilling our goal of 100! We hope to be able to deliver in July. There’s still time to get involved and help us fill the final 25 boxes.
Sunshine Boxes